Hasina Counter and Bar Stool

Hasina Counter and Bar Stool


Every surface is leather. In black, gray or white, the legs, back and seat provide the special feel and lasting elegance of leather. The profile of this chair curves back gently for added comfort.

Product Detail:

  • Regenerated leather seat, back and legs on a steel frame

  • Polished stainless steel footrest

  • Plastic feet

  • Hasina is offered for purchase in pairs

  • Counter Stool 37”x 26” x 21” x 17”

  • Bar Stool 41” x 29.9” x 21” x 17”

Hasina Counter Stool Pricing:

Black $965 per pair

Grey $965 per pair

White $965 per pair

Hasina Bar Stool Pricing:

Black $965 per pair

Grey $965 per pair

White $965 per pair

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